Saturday 17 September 2016

First Fitness Post - Leg workout

Hey Everybody!! This is Gazy here. First of all Eid Mubarak to all of you :) :)

And today we are posting our first fitness post for you guys. It's my workout session post. It was my leg day, which apparently is my favorite workout and so the first fitness post had to be about legs legs and legs. Many people do not pay much attention to leg, but they also do not know that working on legs is a very important part of our body as it carries our entire body weight and has big muscles. So, working on them regularly and properly gives a beautiful shape to our body and increases our strength along with making the bones stronger.

A few tips before starting off with any work out is
  • Please do not carry out these exercises without some proper supervision
  • A proper warm up before beginning of any exercises is necessary
  • So is a good stretching after you are done with your workout
  • Pay attention to the posture, wrong posture can hurt your back and lead to an injury

In the above video, the name of the exercise is single leg reverse leg press on leg machine. This is an advanced type of workout so please again, go through the pointers mentioned above, we are not responsible for any injuries. 

This workout works on the muscles glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and lower abs.
If you want to go that extra mile, try increasing the weight.

So yes that's me signing off for now with this workout post, because yes I also am battling with this terrible flu. But flu or no flu, nothing can stop me from working out on my body I take it too danm serious !!!

Don't forget to visit us on Instagram too. Thepowerchicgirls - that's our page name on instagram.

Till then, happy living life and be happy :)

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Chicken Lemon Coriander Soup

Hey Everybody !!!

Today's post is about this power packed healthy soup - The Chicken and Lemon Coriander soup. It's so delicious that you will forget it is so healthy as well. So rich in fibre makes it completely filling and a full meal in itself. Here's how I made it.

Firstly, make the base of the soup by preparing the stock. For that you will need, chicken preferably with bones because bones is where all the real deal is stored, all that nutrition and yumminess so avoid boneless for the stock. Then some of garlic, bay leaves, black peppercorns, the stalk of one broccoli, or cauliflower or parsley. Add sufficient water and salt. Cook till the water has reduced to half. 

In a separate pan, heat some olive oil. Add in some grated or finely chopped garlic and the some vegetables of your choice. Add to it shredded chicken from the stock and mix well. Once the chicken is caramalised a bit, add the strained stock to this pan and let everything simmer for a while. Season it well, adjusting the salt and pepper. If you want this soup to be a clear soup then leave it so or if you want it to be thick you can add some cornflour paste in it at this stage. 

Lastly add some lemon to bring some freshness and its done. While serving serve with some freshly chopped parsley or coriander and a dollop of cream.

Try it, enjoy it and have fun being healthy.

Lots of love,